Durante la cuarentena tuvimos que afrontar muchos desafíos; trabajar desde casa, hacer deporta durante la madrugada, reunirnos de tapabocas, aprender recetas nuevas, vincularnos distinto. Todas nuestras rutinas y formas de socializar se vieron afectadas.

During the quarantine we had to face many challenges; work from home, do sports during the early morning, meet with masks, learn new recipes, and bond differently. All our routines and ways of socializing were affected.​​​​​​​
Las ilustraciones fueron presentadas en el XII premio de ilustración de la Feria del Libro de Guadalajara, donde quedó seleccionada. Formó parte de la exposición durante el evento y fué parte del Catálogo.

The illustrations were presented at the XII Illustration Award at the Guadalajara Book Fair, where it was selected. They were part of the exhibition during the event and were part of the Catalog.
Gracias por tu tiempo y por compartir.
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